BK Industrial Group have an IMS that is certified by JAS-ANZ.
BK Industrial Group have an IMS that is certified by JAS-ANZ.
BK Industrial Group have an IMS that is certified by JAS-ANZ.
BK Industrial Group have an IMS that is certified by JAS-ANZ.

Accredited and governed by ISO 9001 practices, BK Industrial Group offers a series of standard and optional compliance measures to clients.
• ISO 9001 certified
• Manufacturing Data Reports
• Inspection and Test Plans (ITP’s)
• Calibrated measuring equipment
• Mill Certificates / Letters of Conformance
• Qualified Weld Procedures

Health and Safety
BK Industrial Group is certified to ISO 45001.
The health and safety of our staff, stake holders and the public are constantly in our focus. BK Industrial Group are proud of our Health and Safety record, of zero LTI’s for over 5 years, both on our client sites and throughout our workshops.
Our safety policy complies with the Workplace Health and Safety Act and regulations, applicable codes of practice and industry standards.

BK Industrial Group are certified to ISO14001 and we are committed to working towards reducing the environmental impact of our operations and help find the same for our clients.
To reduce our carbon footprint, BK Industrial Group recycles materials, equipment and consumables. We exercise efficiencies across energy and water use – while minimising inefficiencies across operations and waste.
All staff are inducted with environmental sustainability training, including directions for recycling metal offcuts, office waste and products.